The Black Box Approach- Developing Successful Oracle Applications-4

When we created the index, we had to choose between the following approaches:
•\ Just create an index on the processed-flag column.
•\ Create an index only on the processed-flag column when the processed flag is N, that is, only index the values of interest. We typically don’t want to use an index when the processed flag is Y since the vast majority of the records in the table have the value Y. Notice that I did not say “We never want to use….” You might want to very frequently count the number of processed records for some reason, and then an index on the processed records might well come in very handy.

In Chapter 11 on indexing, we’ll go into more detail on both types. In the end, we created a very small index on just the records where the processed flag was N. Access to those records was extremely fast, and the vast majority of Y records did not contribute to this index at all. We used a function-based index on a function decode( processed_ flag, ‘N’, ‘N’ ) to return either N or NULL—since an entirely NULL key is not placed into a conventional B*Tree index, we ended up only indexing the N records.

Note There is more information on NULLs and indexing in Chapter 11.

Was that the end of the story? No, not at all. My client still had a less than optimal solution on its hands. They still had to serialize on the “dequeue” of an unprocessed record. We could easily find the first unprocessed record—quickly—using select * from queue_table where decode( processed_flag, ‘N’, ‘N’) = ‘N’ FOR UPDATE, but only one session at a time could perform that operation. The project was using Oracle 10g and therefore could not yet make use of the relatively new SKIP LOCKED feature added in Oracle 11g. SKIP LOCKED would permit many sessions to concurrently find the first unlocked, unprocessed record, lock that record, and process it. Instead, we had to implement code to find the first unlocked record and lock it manually. Such code would generally look like the following in Oracle 10g and before. We begin by creating a table with the requisite index described earlier and populate it with some data, as follows:

SQL> drop table t purge;

Then we basically need to find any and all unprocessed records. One by one we ask the database “Is this row locked already? If not, then lock it and give it to me.” That code would look like this:

SQL> create or replace

Note In the preceding code, I ran some DDL—the CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION. Right before DDL runs, it automatically commits, so there was an implicit COMMIT in there. The rows we’ve inserted are committed in the database—and that fact is necessary for the following examples to work correctly. In general, I’ll use that fact in the remainder of the book. If you run these examples without performing the CREATE OR REPLACE, make sure to COMMIT first!

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