My Approach- Developing Successful Oracle Applications

Before we begin, I feel it is only fair that you understand my approach to development. I tend to take a database-centric approach to problems. If I can do it in the database, I will. There are a couple of reasons for this—the first and foremost being that I know that if I build functionality in the database, I can deploy it anywhere. I am not aware of a popular, commercially viable server operating system on which Oracle is not available— from Windows to dozens of UNIX/Linux systems—the same exact Oracle software and options are available. I frequently build and test solutions on my laptop, running Oracle 21c, 19c, and 12c under UNIX/Linux or Windows on a virtual machine. I can then deploy them on a variety of servers running the same database software but different operating systems. When I have to implement a feature outside of the database, I find it extremely hard to deploy that feature anywhere I want. One of the main features that makes the Java language appealing to many people—the fact that their programs are always compiled in the same virtual environment, the Java virtual machine (JVM), and so are highly portable—is the exact same feature that makes the database appealing to me. The database is my virtual machine. It is my virtual operating system.

So I try to do everything I can in the database. If my requirements go beyond what the database environment can offer, I do it in Java outside of the database. In this way, almost every operating system intricacy will be hidden from me. I still have to understand how my “virtual machines” work (Oracle, and occasionally a JVM)—you need to know the tools you are using—but they, in turn, worry about how best to do things on a given OS for me.

Thus, simply knowing the intricacies of this one “virtual OS” allows you to build applications that will perform and scale well on many operating systems. I don’t mean to imply that you can be totally ignorant of your underlying OS, just that as a software developer building database applications you can be fairly well insulated from it, and you will not have to deal with many of its nuances. Your DBA, responsible for running the Oracle software, will be infinitely more in tune with the OS (if they are not, please get a new DBA!). If you develop client-server software and the bulk of your code is outside of the database and outside of a VM (Java virtual machines being perhaps the most popular VM), of course you’ll have to be concerned about your OS once again.

I have a pretty simple mantra when it comes to developing database software, one that has been consistent for many years:

•\   You should do it in a single SQL statement if at all possible. And believe it or not, it is almost always possible. This statement is even truer as time goes on. SQL is an extremely powerful language.

•\   If you can’t do it in a single SQL statement, do it in PL/SQL—as little PL/SQL as possible! Follow the saying that goes “more code = more bugs, less code = less bugs.”

•\   If you can’t do it in PL/SQL, do it in a C external procedure. This is most frequently the approach when raw speed or using a third-party API written in C is needed.

•\   If you can’t do it in a C external routine, you might want to seriously think about why it is you need to do it.

Throughout this book, you will see the preceding philosophy implemented. We’ll use PL/SQL—and object types in PL/SQL—to do things that SQL itself can’t do or can’t do efficiently. PL/SQL has been around for a very long time—over 34 years of tuning (as of 2022) has gone into it; in fact, way back in Oracle 10g, the PL/SQL compiler itself was rewritten to be an optimizing compiler for the first time. You’ll find no other language so tightly coupled with SQL, nor any as optimized to interact with SQL. Working with SQL in PL/SQL is a very natural thing—whereas in virtually every other language from Visual Basic to Java, using SQL can feel cumbersome. It never quite feels “natural”— it’s not an extension of the language itself. When PL/SQL runs out of steam—which is exceedingly rare today with current database releases—we’ll use Java. Occasionally, we’ll do something in C, but typically only when C is the only choice, or when the raw speed offered by C is required. Often, this last reason goes away with native compilation of Java—the ability to convert your Java bytecode into operating system–specific object code on your platform. This lets Java run just as fast as C in many cases.

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