Use a Single Connection in Oracle- Developing Successful Oracle Applications-2

If you use bind variables, then everyone who submits the same exact query that references the same object will use the compiled plan from the pool. You will compile your subroutine once and use it over and over again. This is very efficient and is the way the database intends you to work. Not only will you use fewer resources (a soft parse is much less resource-intensive), but also you will hold latches for less time and need them less frequently. This increases your performance and greatly increases your scalability.

Just to give you a tiny idea of how huge a difference this can make performance-wise, you only need to run a very small test. In this test, we’ll just be inserting some rows into a table; the simple table we will use is

SQL> drop table t purge;

SQL> create table t ( x int );

Table created.

Now we’ll create two very simple stored procedures. They both will insert the numbers 1 through 10,000 into this table; however, the first procedure uses a single SQL statement with a bind variable:

Procedure created.

The second procedure constructs a unique SQL statement for each row to be inserted:

SQL> create or replace procedure proc2 as

Now, the only difference between the two is that one uses a bind variable and the other does not. Both are using dynamic SQL and the logic is otherwise identical. The only difference is the use of a bind variable in the first.

Note For details on runstats and other utilities, see the “Setting Up Your Environment” section at the beginning of this book. You may not observe exactly the same values for CPU or any metric. Differences are caused by different Oracle versions, different operating systems, and different hardware platforms. The idea will be the same, but the exact numbers will undoubtedly be marginally different.

We are ready to evaluate the two approaches, and we’ll use runstats, a simple tool
I’ve developed, to compare the two in detail:

Now, the preceding result clearly shows that based on CPU time (measured in hundredths of seconds), it took significantly longer and significantly more resources to insert 10,000 rows without bind variables than it did with them. In fact, it took more than a magnitude more CPU time to insert the rows without bind variables. For every insert without bind variables, we spent the vast preponderance of the time to execute the statement simply parsing the statement! But it gets worse. When we look at other information, we can see a significant difference in the resources utilized by each approach:

The runstats utility produces a report that shows differences in latch utilization as well as differences in statistics. Here, I asked runstats to print out anything with a difference greater than 9500. You can see that we hard parsed 3 times in the first approach using bind variables and that we hard parsed 10,000 times without bind variables (once for each of the inserts). But that difference in hard parsing is just the tip of the iceberg. You can see here that we used an order of magnitude as many “latches” in the nonbind variable approach as we did with bind variables. That difference might beg the question “What is a latch?”

Let’s answer that question. A latch is a type of lock that is used to serialize access to shared data structures used by Oracle. The shared pool is an example; it’s a big, shared data structure found in the System Global Area (SGA), and this is where Oracle stores parsed, compiled SQL. When you modify anything in this shared structure, you must take care to allow only one process in at a time. (It is very bad if two processes or threads attempt to update the same in-memory data structure simultaneously— corruption would abound.) So, Oracle employs a latching mechanism, a lightweight locking method to serialize access. Don’t be fooled by the word lightweight. Latches are serialization devices, allowing access (to a memory structure) one process at a time. The latches used by the hard parsing implementation are some of the most used latches out there. These include the latches for the shared pool and for the library cache. Those are “big time” latches that people compete for frequently. What all this means is that as we increase the number of users attempting to hard parse statements simultaneously, our performance gets progressively worse over time. The more people parsing, the more people waiting in line to latch the shared pool, the longer the queues, the longer the wait.

How (and How Not) to Develop Database Applications- Developing Successful Oracle Applications

That’s enough hypothesizing, for now at least. In the remainder of this chapter, I will take a more empirical approach, discussing why knowledge of the database and its workings will definitely go a long way toward a successful implementation (without having to write the application twice!).

Some problems are simple to fix as long as you understand how to find them. Others require drastic rewrites. One of the goals of this book is to help you avoid the problems in the first place.

Note In the following sections, I will discuss certain core Oracle features without delving into exactly what these features are and all of the ramifications of using them. I will refer you either to a subsequent chapter in this book or to the relevant Oracle documentation for more information.

Understanding Oracle Architecture

I have worked with many customers running large production applications—applications that had been “ported” from another database (e.g., SQL Server) to Oracle. I quote “ported” simply because most ports I see reflect a “what is the least change we can make to have our SQL Server code compile and execute on Oracle” perspective.

The applications that result from that line of thought are frankly the ones I see most often, because they are the ones that need the most help. I want to make clear, however, that I am not bashing SQL Server in this respect—the opposite is true! Taking an Oracle application and just plopping it down on top of SQL Server with as few changes as possible results in the same poorly performing code in reverse; the problem goes both ways.

In one particular case, however, the SQL Server architecture and how you use SQL Server really impacted the Oracle implementation. The stated goal was to scale up, but these folks did not want to really port to another database. They wanted to port with as little work as humanly possible, so they kept the architecture basically the same in the client and database layers. This decision had two important ramifications:

•\ The connection architecture was the same in Oracle as it had been inSQL Server.

•\ The developers used literal (nonbound) SQL.

These two ramifications resulted in a system that could not support the required user load (the database server simply ran out of available memory) and in a system that had abysmal performance.

The Black Box Approach- Developing Successful Oracle Applications-2

The very idea that developers building a database application should be shielded from the database is amazing to me, but that attitude persists. Many people still insist that developers can’t take the time to get trained in the database and, basically, that they shouldn’t have to know anything about the database. Why? Well, more than once I’ve heard “but Oracle is the most scalable database in the world, my people don’t have to learn about it, it’ll just work.” That’s true; Oracle is the most scalable database in the world. However, I can write bad code that does not scale in Oracle as easily—if not more easily—as I can write good, scalable code in Oracle. You can replace Oracle with any piece of software and the same is true. This is a fact: it is easier to write applications that perform poorly than it is to write applications that perform well. It is sometimes too easy to build a single-user system in the world’s most scalable database if you don’t know what you are doing. The database is a tool, and the improper use of any tool can lead to disaster. Would you take a nutcracker and smash walnuts with it as if it were a hammer? You could, but it wouldn’t be a proper use of that tool and the result would be a mess (and probably some seriously hurt fingers). Similar effects can be achieved by remaining ignorant of your database.

I was called into a project that was in trouble. The developers were experiencing massive performance issues—it seemed their system was serializing many transactions, that is to say—so instead of many people working concurrently, everyone was getting into a really long line and waiting for everyone in front of them to complete. The application architects walked me through the architecture of their system—the classic three-tier approach. They would have a web browser talk to a middle tier application server running Java Server Pages (JSPs). The JSPs would in turn utilize another layer— Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs)—that did all of the SQL. The SQL in the EJBs was generated by a third-party tool and was done in a database-independent fashion.

Now, in this system it was very hard to diagnose anything, as none of the code was instrumented or traceable. Instrumenting code is the fine art of making every other line of developed code be debug code of some sort—so when you are faced with performance or capacity or even logic issues, you can track down exactly where the problem is. In this case, we could only locate the problem somewhere between the browser and the database—in other words, the entire system was suspect. The Oracle database is heavily instrumented, but the application needs to be able to turn the instrumentation on and off at appropriate points—something it was not designed to do.

So, we were faced with trying to diagnose a performance issue with not too many details, just what we could glean from the database itself. Fortunately, in this case it was fairly easy. When someone who knew the Oracle V$ tables (the V$ tables are one way Oracle exposes its instrumentation, its statistics, to us) reviewed them, it became apparent that the major contention was around a single table—a queue table of sorts.

The application would place records into this table, while another set of processes would pull the records out of this table and process them. Digging deeper, we found a bitmap index on a column in this table (See Chapter 11 on indexing for more information about bitmapped indexes). The reasoning was that this column, the processed-flag column, had only two values—Y and N. As records were inserted, they would have a value of N for not processed. As the other processes read and processed the record, they would update the N to Y to indicate that processing was done. The developers needed to find the N records rapidly and hence knew they wanted to index that column. They had read somewhere that bitmap indexes are for low-cardinality columns—columns that have but a few distinct values—so it seemed a natural fit. (Go ahead, use Google to search for when to use bitmap indexes; low cardinality will be there over and over. Fortunately, there are also many articles refuting that too simple concept today.)

But that bitmap index was the cause of all of their problems. In a bitmap index, a single key entry points to many rows, hundreds or more of them. If you update a bitmap index key (and thus locking it), the hundreds of records that key points to are effectively locked as well. So, someone inserting the new record with N would lock the N record in the bitmap index, effectively locking hundreds of other N records as well. Meanwhile, the process trying to read this table and process the records would be prevented from modifying some N record to be a Y (processed) record, because in order for it to update this column from N to Y, it would need to lock that same bitmap index key. In fact, other sessions just trying to insert a new record into this table would be blocked as well, as they would be attempting to lock the same bitmap key entry. In short, the developers had created a table that at most one person would be able to insert or update against at a time! We can see this easily using a simple scenario.

Note If you haven’t done so already, visit the “Setting Up Your Environment” section of the front matter of this book. This section contains the code to create the EODA and SCOTT users. These users are used extensively in the examples in this book. The “Setting Up Your Environment” section also contains the source code for many of the utilities used throughout this book. For your convenience, the setup source code can also be downloaded/cloned from the GitHub site.

Fleet Management – Migration to Multitenant and Fleet Management

As a DBA, you probably take care of several databases. Your job involves managing the environment, servers, software, storage, and more. Patching large environments is a difficult task, and you also want to be able to provision new databases quickly and easily. When we are talking numbers like that, there needs to be a way to manage multiple databases as a group, also called a fleet. This includes upgrading and patching with repeatable processes, making it easier to roll through and still minimize downtime.

Oracle’s Fleet Patching and Provisioning (FPP) tool helps maintain the life cycle of a large environment. This is one way to think of fleet management, which will be discussed in the next couple of sections. After that, we are going to look at fleet administrators.

Not only do they do the patching and provisioning tasks, but this has developed into a new role for Autonomous Databases on dedicated systems. It’s a slightly different way of looking at fleet management and administration, but it’s an important responsibility for DBAs transitioning to multitenant and cloud environments.

Oracle Fleet Patching and Provisioning

FPP provides a standard method to patch, upgrade, and provision databases, and it is a service in the grid infrastructure. It applies to both the grid and database homes across all environments. The software is installed once and stored on FPP Server, which maintains a gold image of the software and patches to be used for patching and upgrades. Commands can be run against hundreds of targets at the same time. This allows you to be able to do quarterly patches, and it implements the much-needed automation for these large environments.

New database patches and updates are images, and each image for the database version is a new version. This includes quarterly security patches and release updates. The images are not just the database but also the grid home.

FPP can be configured as a central server to deploy gold images to any number of nodes and database and grid homes across the environment. Clients of FPP would be configured to retrieve the gold images from the FPP server and based on policies upload and apply operations to the server where the client is configured. Since this is part of the grid infrastructure, it can just be run locally without any central server. The local Oracle homes can be patched and additional nodes provisioned locally with this option.

Types of Patching

Patching in-place requires a longer downtime, as you apply the patch in the current environment. This will require stopping instances, patching and starting the database again, and running the additional patching or upgrade steps. In this way, you have to install or run the patch each time.

FPP uses out-of-place patching because it deploys a new working copy, and then databases are moved to the Oracle home. This might be something you already do. Install new patched binaries in the new Oracle grid or database home. After that, the process consists of a stop, a move, and a start. The outage includes the time to restart in a new home with the newly installed binaries.

With multitenant, you can also patch a CDB and the PDBs together. PDBs can also be patched separately by moving them to a new CDB running in the patched or upgraded Oracle home.

My Approach- Developing Successful Oracle Applications

Before we begin, I feel it is only fair that you understand my approach to development. I tend to take a database-centric approach to problems. If I can do it in the database, I will. There are a couple of reasons for this—the first and foremost being that I know that if I build functionality in the database, I can deploy it anywhere. I am not aware of a popular, commercially viable server operating system on which Oracle is not available— from Windows to dozens of UNIX/Linux systems—the same exact Oracle software and options are available. I frequently build and test solutions on my laptop, running Oracle 21c, 19c, and 12c under UNIX/Linux or Windows on a virtual machine. I can then deploy them on a variety of servers running the same database software but different operating systems. When I have to implement a feature outside of the database, I find it extremely hard to deploy that feature anywhere I want. One of the main features that makes the Java language appealing to many people—the fact that their programs are always compiled in the same virtual environment, the Java virtual machine (JVM), and so are highly portable—is the exact same feature that makes the database appealing to me. The database is my virtual machine. It is my virtual operating system.

So I try to do everything I can in the database. If my requirements go beyond what the database environment can offer, I do it in Java outside of the database. In this way, almost every operating system intricacy will be hidden from me. I still have to understand how my “virtual machines” work (Oracle, and occasionally a JVM)—you need to know the tools you are using—but they, in turn, worry about how best to do things on a given OS for me.

Thus, simply knowing the intricacies of this one “virtual OS” allows you to build applications that will perform and scale well on many operating systems. I don’t mean to imply that you can be totally ignorant of your underlying OS, just that as a software developer building database applications you can be fairly well insulated from it, and you will not have to deal with many of its nuances. Your DBA, responsible for running the Oracle software, will be infinitely more in tune with the OS (if they are not, please get a new DBA!). If you develop client-server software and the bulk of your code is outside of the database and outside of a VM (Java virtual machines being perhaps the most popular VM), of course you’ll have to be concerned about your OS once again.

I have a pretty simple mantra when it comes to developing database software, one that has been consistent for many years:

•\   You should do it in a single SQL statement if at all possible. And believe it or not, it is almost always possible. This statement is even truer as time goes on. SQL is an extremely powerful language.

•\   If you can’t do it in a single SQL statement, do it in PL/SQL—as little PL/SQL as possible! Follow the saying that goes “more code = more bugs, less code = less bugs.”

•\   If you can’t do it in PL/SQL, do it in a C external procedure. This is most frequently the approach when raw speed or using a third-party API written in C is needed.

•\   If you can’t do it in a C external routine, you might want to seriously think about why it is you need to do it.

Throughout this book, you will see the preceding philosophy implemented. We’ll use PL/SQL—and object types in PL/SQL—to do things that SQL itself can’t do or can’t do efficiently. PL/SQL has been around for a very long time—over 34 years of tuning (as of 2022) has gone into it; in fact, way back in Oracle 10g, the PL/SQL compiler itself was rewritten to be an optimizing compiler for the first time. You’ll find no other language so tightly coupled with SQL, nor any as optimized to interact with SQL. Working with SQL in PL/SQL is a very natural thing—whereas in virtually every other language from Visual Basic to Java, using SQL can feel cumbersome. It never quite feels “natural”— it’s not an extension of the language itself. When PL/SQL runs out of steam—which is exceedingly rare today with current database releases—we’ll use Java. Occasionally, we’ll do something in C, but typically only when C is the only choice, or when the raw speed offered by C is required. Often, this last reason goes away with native compilation of Java—the ability to convert your Java bytecode into operating system–specific object code on your platform. This lets Java run just as fast as C in many cases.

Data Sharing- Data Management

Data sharing is needed because we always need the data in different places. Systems share data across databases and leverage information that they have in one place to provide important details and facts in another system. We spend plenty of time moving data around and managing it in services so that access to the data is available when and where needed. The database administrator makes sure all of these database systems can provide the data as needed and the systems are highly available and secure, just fordata to be used in ways that we might not even think about. Database administrators can assist in integrations; however, there are always new business cases that come up that want additional data from different sources, such as files, to be combined and used with the data from the customer database. There are various reasons to relate reference data or other source data from other sources; for example, the data in the inventory systems gets additional information from logs, and so on.

The idea around the Data Sharing tool is to improve business access to data and open up these new innovations and uses of data. We have done this before in reports when sending files, keeping spreadsheets on our laptops, etc. However, many of these ways to share data require extra work, require extra processing, and make copies and redundant data extractions, and of course we need to handle the security and make sure sensitive data stays that way.

Through the Data Sharing tool, a delta sharing protocol allows you to share data without copying it to another system. A user can consume the data that is made available and request access to the data by providing valid tokens, and the shared data is then accessed by the user.

The Data Share providers can make the data available to users through the Data Share tool. Figure 18-11 shows the provider and consumer data shares of Data Sharing in Database Actions for Autonomous Database.

Figure 1811. Data Share tool

When you create users for Autonomous Database, you can give them permissions to use Data Share, along with the other tools, or you can enable a schema for sharing in a SQL session.

SQL> begin dbms_share.enable_schema ( schema_name => ‘MMALCHER’, enabled => TRUE);end;

As a data provider, you would start by providing a share, and you can share using object storage. Consumers of the share will see the changes to the data only when new versions are published. The tables or objects are added to the data share, and you can define who is going to receive the share or just create the share and add the consumers or recipients later.

For the recipients, they will need to subscribe and access the data shares, as shown in Figure 18-12. This will also provide them with a personal authorization profile, which allows for tracking how the shares are being used and by which consumers. You can create external tables on top of the data shares to use with SQL, and you can see the data objects that are available to you.

Figure 1812. Subscribing to a share

The data share becomes another tool in building out data lakes, and it can be made available with authentication and authorizations for consumers inside and outside of your company. The cloud links provide an approach for sharing data from Autonomous Database and between Autonomous Databases. Now instead of squirreling away data files, spreadsheets, reports, and so on, a data asset can be shared in a secure way to allow the business to gain access to the needed data and leverage the data for even more valuable insights.

Why are all these data management tools important? Well, as the database administrator, you know where most of the company’s data can be found. These tools leverage the same skills in securing the data and enabling the right service for the job. The administrators taking care of the database systems can really dive into ways to make data available in all kinds of formats that are easy to consume.

You can dive into supporting the Oracle Database with system tasks, installations, provisioning, patching, and migrations. This also includes making sure the database system is highly available and secure, and provides business continuity with disaster recovery and restoring of databases. In large environments, there is plenty to do with tuning and architecting the databases, but data management is expanding to allow businesses to innovate and leverage their data. The professional database administrator will be able to support and manage the environment to allow for data services and growth while making sure the database system is reliable and secure. This is an excellent opportunity to add value and manage an extremely important company asset, data!

DBMS_CLOUD- Data Management

DBMS_CLOUD is a package that manages several Autonomous Database processes and routines, especially when working with all of the cloud resources that are part of this database system.

The cloud console provides an interface, but behind the scenes many of these activities use the DBMS_CLOUD package. Instead of using the user interface, there is a package that you can use to do several of these tasks, from loading data to setting up credentials.

DBMS_CLOUD offers subprograms for the following areas:
• Access management
• Object and file storage
• Bulk file management

Credentials are set up for the management within the package and will allow for setting up least privileges for loading data and for querying external data in cloud resources including in other clouds besides OCI.

Permissions on the package are needed. When you create a user in Database Actions, there are options to allow for setting the permissions, but through SQL you can also just grant the following:

SQL> grant execute on dbms_cloud to mmalcher;

Credentials are stored in the DBA/ALL/USER_CREDENTIALS view, which grants access to OCI users for managing resources that are external to the Autonomous Database and allowing for data to be exported and loaded or processed for various sources.

To run these procedures, you can be connected through SQL in Database Actions or SQL Developer connections to the Autonomous Database.

SQL> begin dbms_cloud.create_credential( credential_name => ‘OCI_ADB_DATAMGMT’, username => ‘[email protected]’, password => ‘Cr4zyPa$$w0rd!’);end;

Objects and files can be in object storage in the cloud and in other clouds, and instead of having a local file, you need to access these files for external tables to work with the data in data lakes and in other formats.

Here is an example of creating an external table in Autonomous using object storage files (assuming we have the customer name, dates, and totals in the file):

SQL> begin dbms_cloud.create_external_table ( table_name => ‘CUSTOMER_SALES_JULY’,credential_name => ‘OCI_ADB_DATAMGMT’,file_uri_list => ‘ namespace1/b/customer_sales/cust_sales_0723.csv’,format => json_object(‘type’ value ‘csv’, ‘skipheaders’ value ‘1’), field_list => ‘CUSTOMER_ID,CUSTOMER_NAME, CUSTOMER_TOTAL,SALE_DATE DATE ”mm/dd/yyyy”’, column_list => ‘CUSTOMER_ID NUMBER, CUSTOMER_NAME VARCHAR2(100), CUSTOMER_TOTAL NUMBER,SALE_DATE DATE’); end;

The format for the external tables can be CSV, JSON, ORC, Avro, or Parquet and is not just limited to CSV files. Indexes can also be created on the externalfileswithdbms_cloud.create_external_text_index to be able to search through the files and find values.

As one more example for objects and files, here is an example to copy a file:

SQL> begin dbms_cloud.copy_object (source_credential_name => ‘OCI_ADB_DATAMGMT’,
source_object_uri => ‘’,target_object_uri => ‘ namespace1/b/ext_tables_bucket/o/cust_sales_june.csv’);end;

You can also use the dbms_cloud.list_files function to get a list of the files in directories. As we saw for data_pump, there is a directory that is needed, and in Autonomous, there isn’t a file system; however, object storage can serve as thesedirectories.
You can query using this function to get the details of the files listed in the data_pump_dir directory.

SQL> select * from dbms_cloud.list_files(‘DATA_PUMP_DIR’);

And if you want to see the objects in one of the locations, you can list the objects in a bucket:

SQL> select * from dbms_cloud.list_objects(‘OCI_ADB_DATAMGMT’, ‘ /b/customer_sales/o/’);

Just like there are individual files, there are also procedures to handle bulk moves, uploads, and copies.
Another area for DBMS_CLOUD is the Cloud REST API procedures and functions. These procedures can get details about the Cloud REST APIs and can be used in PL/SQL and application code to get API requests and results. Since these are some of the various cloud APIs, you can do things such as creating buckets in object storage to store the files and manage these type of resources.

Tip there are several procedures and functions available in DBMS_CLOUD, and reviewing the documentation is very useful here.We barely touched the surface of this package, and it is most important to understand that the capabilities are there for managing the data and files in the cloud for autonomous environments.

Monitoring- Migration to Multitenant and Fleet Management

Ideally, you are seeing that there are opportunities for database administrators with fleet management. Whether we are talking about patching or Autonomous Dedicated, the architecture and infrastructure need to be configured and managed, even if the Autonomous Database is then provided on demand.

The health of the environment also needs to be monitored.

The dedicated environment has some similar choices as database creation, but notice that the software and patching are automated.

Even with automation, there are different areas that management and policies that can be inserted to make sure you are meeting your company’s requirements.

It is also important for the fleet administrator to monitor the ADBs and tune them.

There might be different configurations needed for VMs or for the Autonomous Container Database. Just like with the migration of pluggable databases, the fleet administration can relocate databases in different containers to help with performance or redistribute resources as needed.

This is part of the monitoring and migration tasks that are needed for the dedicated system.

Restoring and availability come into play here too. Most of the details of the previous chapters can be leveraged to manage large and cloud databases.

A dedicated environment also lets you set the different options in the maintenance schedule and types of patching. With ADB-S, there are no choices, but with dedicated, it can meet your company’s needs and maintenance windows and backup strategies.

This also includes deciding on the VM clusters and how many Autonomous Container Databases are created and the resources allocated.

When migrating to multitenant and cloud, the database administrator’s job is changing. There are options for fleet administration and FPP Server management. The administration tasks here are infrastructure system administration responsibilities.

Next, we are going to look at other ways the administration role is changing with the management of the data.

Data Studio- Data Management

Data Studio is one of the tools under Database Actions in OCI for Autonomous Database, as shown in Figure 18-1. We have already discussed Data Pump, external tables, and SQL*Loader, and it is also good to know about Data Studio. Even with Autonomous, if you do not have to take care of the patching and some of the administration, there are opportunities with data.

The data management that has been discussed so far can all be done in Autonomous or on-premises. The opportunities with data, various workloads, and different analytics provide answers, possibilities, and other insights derived from the data.

With Oracle Autonomous Database from Database Actions, if you select the Data Studio overview, you will see four options for loading, analyzing, gaining insights, and cataloging data.

Figure 18-4 shows these main areas and how to get started using Data Studio.

Figure 184. Data Studio overview

Figure 18-5 walks you through what you want to do, such as loading, linking, or feeding data, as well as where the source of the data is, which can be another database, local file, or cloud storage including other clouds (AWS, Azure, OCI).

You simply select Load Data and provide details about the data, CSV file or database connection, or connection to cloud storage. Then it is a drag and drop of the data to load. These can be set up as jobs or a one-time process.

This is a simple way to load data into an Autonomous Database. You can load from CSV, Excel, Parquet, JSON, and other files by just dragging and dropping the file and watching the data loading jobs that have been configured.

Figure 185. Data loader options

Depending how you want to work with JSON files, there are ways to create JSON collections under the Development section of Database Actions with JSON. This is a UI that works for managing JSON data. There are several different ways of working with JSON through the tools and SQL in the database.

Models- Data Management

Data modeling is an important part of application development so you understand how to structure the data. Decisions are made based on the application requirements, what information is needed, and how it is needed.

We could probably discuss for another couple chapters the value of normalization versus denormalization of the data model and whether to use surrogate or natural keys on tables, but those topics are not necessarily the point of the data management and model discussion here.

During application development, there are decisions being made to use data in a particular way based on the requirements. This might even influence the database that is being used.

Therefore, it is important to understand the capabilities of the database and tools to support these types of decisions and requirements.

There is a need to understand if something limits the use of the data or creates a need for complex data integrations if the data is going to be leveraged in other places.

It is good to recognize that the data requirements for one application might not be the same for another one, and being a database administrator, there are opportunities here to help develop a data architecture or plan to be able to reuse data, leverage the information in other analysis and calculations where it makes sense, or even use the data in other formats, making it easy to create specific applications that might be different than relational models.

So, if you need to use different models of the data, such as hierarchical, graph, and object, are there ways you can do that in the Oracle Database? Of course! The point of this discussion is to look at different ways of using the same data sets and leveraging a relational model for graph models, hierarchical for machine learning, and all of the relational models for several different uses and applications.

Workloads also play a part of how you model your data. Is this transactional data? Warehouse data? Normally, I find there are different hybrid approaches to this as well.

All of these factors come into play when designing systems and wanting to make the applications perform well. There are parameters and configurations to tune the database based on workloads and types of data being used, but database doesn’t limit the workloads or types.

The database architect and administrator have a responsibility to create a robust system and data model for these applications and tune them along the way.

After the applications are running and you’ve collected all kinds of data and information, shouldn’t this data be harnessed to be used for business decisions and other applications? Absolutely. Even after all the model decisions are made and applications have been running, there are reasons to use data in different ways because of the importance of the information that has been collected.

Oracle 23c has several new features that are focused on easier data management, using different data types and capabilities with all different kinds of workloads. This is to help leverage the data that is already there and gather new information, while ideally simplifying development.